Can I Claim if my child has been sexually abused? Yes- Find Out More Here!

Can I Claim if my child has been sexually abused? Yes- Find Out More Here!

Abuse, physical or mental, is challenging to cope with at the best of times. But then, it takes a lot of courage and strength for victims to come forward about their abuse. And it can be equally difficult for parents to investigate how they can claim compensation for a sexually abused child. The parent often feels that they have failed to protect their child. But in reality, no parent wants to think about the possibility of their children being sexually abused. Unfortunately, sexual abuse happens everywhere in our culture today. But can you, the parent, claim in court? The short answer to this question is “YES.” Find out the steps to take in making your claim below!

Seek Medical Attention 

If your child has been assaulted or raped, seek medical attention immediately. Don’t change clothes or bathe your child before going to the doctor. The evidence will be necessary for pursuing criminal charges.

File Charges

Immediately call the local police and file a report on behalf of your child. Later you might want to file a civil suit against the perpetrator, but you must first file criminal charges.

Document Everything

Take photographs of any injuries that your child has suffered, along with any torn clothing or bedding. Document what happened and when it happened as precisely as possible in a diary or journal that can be used later as evidence in court.

Get Counselling for your Child

Your child may require ongoing counseling for the rest of their life. You can begin by talking to your child’s teacher, guidance counselor, pediatrician, or another trusted adult about the touching. If you feel like this could be an ongoing problem with the perpetrator, it is a good idea to talk to a personal injuries attorney about how to proceed. Some laws protect children from sexual abuse and help in situations like yours. You must consult with a personal injuries attorney in your state who specializes in sexual abuse cases involving children

Contact your Insurance Company

Most insurances cover psychological care if the patient meets the plan’s criteria for mental illnesses or emotional disturbances; insurers typically have a list of approved providers covered under the plan. But if you don’t have insurance or your policy doesn’t cover treatment for sexual abuse, you may be able to find help from other sources such as state-funded programs and public hospitals.

Hire a Personal Injuries Attorney to Pursue the Civil Claim

Aside from the criminal charges of sexual abuse, you can hire a  personal injuries attorney to represent you in a civil claim for damages. You will need to prove that the abuser has committed an intentional tort (a wrongful act) against your child and that they have caused injury due to their actions. The lawyer can also assist you with gathering evidence, such as medical records and witness statements that can be submitted as part of your claim. You may be able to make a claim for compensation for physical injuries, emotional distress, counseling expenses, and loss of income. 


With this guide, you can ensure that justice is served for your child. Get a civil attorney today to claim all your child lost from sexual abuse!

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