Ultimate 2022 Guide to Kindergartens & Preschools in Singapore

Ultimate 2022 Guide to Kindergartens & Preschools in Singapore

If you’re a parent or soon-to-be parent, chances are that the thought of choosing the right preschool for your child is on your mind.

Kindergartens and preschools in Singapore are an essential part of any child’s education, from as young as three years old.

It can be overwhelming to research all these options out there, but don’t worry! In this article we’ll cover everything you need to know about choosing the best preschool for your child.

Section: Preschools in Singapore: A Brief Background & 2022 Updates

Preschools have been around for a long time. They’ve evolved over time, and have now become more affordable than ever before. Preschools are also more diverse and accessible than ever before, with a variety of institutions offering different educational experiences tailored to students of all ages and skill sets.

In this section we’ll be looking at how preschools in Singapore work, what they offer, what you can expect from them and how they differ from other preschools.

Section: Play-based or academic?

  • Play-based. When you hear “play”, you probably think of the fun times your child has at birthday parties or on weekends with friends. But play has a much deeper role in children’s development that goes beyond just having fun—it helps them learn about the world and themselves, develop social skills, and explore their creative potential.
  • Academic. On the other hand, academic learning is structured and teaches children more about their world through formal teaching methods like reading books and doing math problems. This kind of learning is great for developing kids’ cognitive abilities (like logic), but can also be stressful for some kids who don’t enjoy being told what to do all day long!

Section: When to Enter Preschools in Singapore?

The recommended ages for preschools entry in Singapore are as follows:

  • For Pre-Nursery (4 years old) and Nursery (3 years old), the cut-off date is usually at least 2 weeks before the 1st January of that year. For example, if you want to enrol your child into a Pre-Nursery or Nursery school on 1 January 2020, then the last day to apply would be 15 December 2019. There are some schools which will accept applications after this date but their waiting lists can get pretty long.
  • For Kindergarten (4 years old), it is usually during the month of May. This may vary from one school to another depending on how many students they have applied for at that point in time.

Once your child is ready for preschool, you should help them prepare by providing them with opportunities to play with other children and explore new things such as arts & crafts activities/classes or sports activities/classes as these will help them become more confident in themselves which will make it easier when they start going to school soon after turning 5 years old!

Section: How to choose the right kindergarten or preschool

Choosing the right kindergarten or preschool for your child is an important decision, so it’s worth taking the time to find one that suits you and your little one. Here are some things to consider:

  • Curriculum: Does the school use a structured curriculum? Is it based on broad learning goals, or does it focus on specific skills?
  • Environment: How does the environment feel to you? Is it welcoming and friendly, or stressful and chaotic? Are there opportunities for your child to play independently or with other children at their own pace? Are there enough classes for younger children and older ones (e.g., babies vs 5-year-olds)?
  • Teachers: What qualities are most important in a teacher — experience, personality or certifications/qualifications? What kind of training do they have in early childhood education (ECE)? Will they be available outside of class hours if needed; at least during school hours if not before/aftercare hours as well (i.e., if there’s an emergency)? Do they seem friendly toward parents and children alike; patient but firm when things don’t go as planned; knowledgeable about ECE best practices; open-minded when faced with new ideas/approaches but still able to maintain consistency across all classrooms—even though each classroom may look different depending upon age groupings within that particular grade level grouping
  • Facilities & location: Are facilities clean and safe (no sharp corners anywhere near where kids might run into them); aesthetically pleasing enough that kids won’t mind being there every day after school—or just when Mommy comes over every day after work! These days’ preschools also offer locations close enough for families who live further away from them than what was considered reasonable back then when I went through my first shift change at University College London’s School Of Business Innovation Centre off campus

Section: Price of Kindergartens and Preschools in Singapore

  • Preschools in Singapore

The price of preschools in Singapore varies from $1800 to $2500 per month (for an average 1-year old) and up to $6,000 (for a 4-year old). This may seem like a lot of money at first, but consider this: if you want the best education for your child and he or she is going to attend school one day, then it’s worth investing today. The only thing that matters is that they’re happy, healthy, and well-developed. If you can afford it, go ahead! You’ll be glad you did later on down the line when it comes time for kindergarten applications.

Choosing a preschool can be hard but it doesn’t have to be.

Choosing a preschool can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve compiled this guide to help you find the perfect school for your child!

The first step of choosing a preschool is to look at its facilities. The best facilities are those that are spacious and have plenty of room for children to run around in. You should also check out what kind of programmes they offer, whether it’s music or sports or arts and crafts; this will give you an idea of what kind of environment your child will be learning in.

Next up is cost; while some schools may offer cheaper rates than others, remember that sometimes you get what you pay for! Also make sure there aren’t any hidden fees such as administration fees or extra charges if your child misses class due to illness etcetera before signing on any dotted lines (or whatever equivalent metaphor applies).


The most important thing to remember is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to choosing the right preschool for your child. It’s all about finding an environment that suits them best, whether it be a play-based or academic environment. If you’re looking for a preschool in Singapore, now might be just the time! With so many options available, we hope this guide helps parents make informed decisions about which school will work best for their children.

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