Sugar Consumption Raises the Risk of Stroke and Heart Disease

Sugar Consumption Raises the Risk of Stroke and Heart Disease

According to today’s latest news on the side effects of sugar, foods, and fruits rich in sugar increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. Those depending on sodas and processed foods that comprise free sugars are also prone to heart disease risk. It is also advised to reduce the intake of syrups with added sugars to stay healthy and prevent the risk of stroke.

Added sugars raise the risk of stroke by 10%

A study published on Monday adds to the evidence that sugar has negative health effects. It looked at the eating habits of over 110,000 people in the UK, aged 37 to 73. According to the study’s findings, a 5% increase in energy from free sugar consumption increases a person’s risk of stroke by 10% and heart disease by 6%.

The study’s author, doctoral student Cody Watling, stated that the participants consumed confectionery and preserves, which included sugary pastries, cookies, and scones. They also consumed desserts, sugar-sweetened beverages, and fruit juice blended with sugar. 

Consume no more than 10% added sugar

Naturally formed sugars in vegetables and fruits are not considered free sugars and are excluded from this study. Cody Watling claimed participants, who consumed 95 grams of free sugar daily, amounting to 18% of their energy intake, experienced higher chances of stroke or heart disease. As per the guidelines issued in the US, the added sugars in your calorie intake should not be more than 10% a day. 

According to Walter Willett, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard University, the most important thing to do to protect against an increased risk of stroke and heart disease is to avoid drinking beverages with added sugars. Willett did, however, mention that, like Coke, drinking small amounts of orange juice on occasion has some health benefits.

Sugar intake guidelines are based on total energy consumption because limiting the percentage of sugar does not account for differences in dietary needs among people. For instance, the energy requirements of a small female are much lower compared to those of a 6.7-foot man.

Fiber consumption reduces the risk of heart disease by 4%

According to today’s latest world news on health, the intake of fiber (5 grams) compared to sugar reduces heart disease by 4%. It is also evident from previous research that increased consumption of fiber offers several health benefits. The study also highlighted the health risks associated with foods rich in sugar. The authors of the new study also claimed their findings were based on the prevailing evidence on diets that include sugars in syrups, honey, and fruit juice.

Consume foods rich in whole grains for the well-being

Watling stated one needs to consume foods rich in wholegrains to maintain good health and ‘well-being’. Foods rich in fiber include leafy vegetables and berries. It is also suggested to consume eggs, mushrooms, green tea, seeds, and nuts and practice exercises regularly to stay healthy. He also emphasized the importance of limiting sugar-sweetened beverages and sugar-sweetened confectionary products.

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