How to improve marks in Class 6 English

How to improve marks in Class 6 English


English is a prominent language. With almost every part of the world aware and possibly learnt in this language, we need to excel and be fluent at it too. While many people tend to pay for this later on in their lives, it’s best if you decide to tackle this before there’s no time to improve on language due to more work. 

6th grade is a really good stage for students to brush up and improve on their English skills both; orally and in writing. While the language consists of many aspects that might confuse students, 6th grade is the best time to establish these methods to their very potential. Today, this article will describe ways that will assist students to get better at their English skills while also increasing their marks as a result.

7 easy strategies to improve marks in class 6 English 

Plan your study schedule efficiently 

English is a vast language that comprises many concepts that can manage to take students for a ride. This can become evident when students cannot concentrate nor have fun learning when they sit for their study sessions. 

Breaking down an entire day into chunks of study sessions and further into topical sessions can enrich the experience of learning. Try dividing the topical sessions into fun activities for yourself/your child to help them have fun while they learn. It’s also vital for students to learn efficiently in a given amount of time. This means that in an hour, they should be learnt and prepared about the topics given to that respective class. Learning efficiently will help children get a good grasp of their grammar and literature before the exam dates come to pass.

Pertain to the NCERT books 

The NCERT books have time and again proven to be an essential resource for studying. These textbooks have impressive content for pupils to comprehend since they are curated by experts and scholars. Also, the NCERT books are best for practising questions as they comprise a set of ideal sample questions. It’s recommended that grade 6th students first thoroughly understand the topic and then for solving the problems on them. Students can find the NCERT Books Class 6 English PDF online and it’s available for downloading as well so that they can view them from any device. 

Make a habit of writing the learnt material 

Brains have a distinct way of processing information through visual, auditory and verbal communication. Writing down material as soon as it is learned enables students to absorb it. The habit of writing has indicated more retention and enhanced memory in students. It is a great tool to keep the mind sharp and help in increasing comprehension as opposed to typing the information. 

Practice Diagrams 

Making diagrams for the writing section for the exam is a good way to help when students struggle to jot down their stories or express their emotions into words. Preparing diagrams will assist in guiding pupils to give them a head start and also provide a direction to them. Students can also use spider diagrams to break down their essay plans. 

This will create a structure in the fluency of ideas especially while writing stories and essays. Other diagrams such as flow charts or mind maps are effective methods of organising topics and sequencing them. Students can organise all the points of a story or essay into convenient diagrams. This method is easy and can be done shortly with just a rough page or the corner. 

Try using Mnemonics 

Mnemonics stems from a Greek word known as “μνημονικός” (mnēmonikos) which means “of memory”. The basic idea of this technique is to add a pinch of creativity and fun to help students learn important things with ease. This method also helps students remember things quickly and in detail. 

For many English grammar rules that are complicated to learn (and understand at times), mnemonics are a great way to tackle all of them. You can try setting up fun sentences or even phrases that can help with remembering lengthy concepts of the English language.

Get adequate Sleep

For every exam, a good night’s sleep plays a crucial role. Before the exam day, ensure to get a good comfortable sleep so you can wake up fresh in the morning to take on the English paper. Also, staying up and not getting enough sleep will not allow your brain to function to its maximum potential. In addition, a good night’s sleep will help you relax and shrug off any anxiety or worries you may hold before the exam. 

Do not try and pull an all-nighter before the exam day as to wake up drowsy in the morning. This will only lead to you not remembering the concept that you practised overnight and maybe even those concepts that you prepared for earlier. A lack of sleep will not help you properly concentrate during the paper and can become a time hindrance too.

Do Group Studies

Apart from this, an effective and interactive way of studying English is through group studies. This is proven to work for a lot of students since it’s much more fun and pupils get to understand each other’s doubts. By doing this, the pupils can learn innovatively and will enthusiastically participate to study for the exams. It’s also useful for pupils who do not prefer self-studying. 


In a nutshell, English requires a basic understanding of the subject, especially grammatical accuracy. Students can get fluent with it by regularly practising English by writing it down. Likewise, it will also boost the writing skills of students, which is an essential element in higher classes. The writing section in the exam is often challenging as students need to compose letters, essays, articles or speeches, each of which requires a proper format to be followed. It’s suggested that students must learn the formats well to practice writing for the same. Nevertheless, grade 6th students must strengthen and polish their fundamentals well so that they can score high marks in the English exams. 

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