Best 3 Health Insurance Plans with Maternity Coverage in India

Maternity or pregnancy is an important phase of life, and one should be fully prepared to embrace the next phase – parenthood. Rearing a child could be an expensive affair and may need good financial back up to meet the needs of a growing baby. Yes, right from the hospital stay to delivery expenses to multiple medical tests to medicines and what not, having a relevant maternity insurance plan can relax you. It is because having a health insurance with maternity coverage in India will help you avoid the rising…

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Home Buying Advice for Young Couples

For young couples the purchase of a new home is quite common. One can either opt to rent a new apartment or one can take a leap and opt for purchase of a house. If you are planning to buy a new home it is inevitable that you have to procure a loan for it due to the sky high prices of property in today’s age. Home loan provider India however look into various criteria before sanctioning a home loan as they do not want to go in to debt…

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