Order Taking Call Center: A Boon to Business

Have you ever imagined that high popularity of your business can bring loss? Yes, in few cases, it does happen. Like if you have started a business and numerous leads started getting poured in or you have acquired a larger customer base in short time, handling the patrons is a big challenge. You may assign few of the resources to manage high volume calls, but it does not eradicate the problem completely. Although phone ring is considered a good sign for business, it is important to handle all the calls…

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How to Make an Outbound Call on DNC Registered Numbers for High Sales?

Nowadays, people don’t want to answer telemarketing calls and that’s why they opt for DNC (Do Not Call) facility. As per the DNC laws, telemarketing companies cannot contact those people who aren’t open to telesales calls. Violating DNC laws simply means giving an invitation to legal issues. With the time, more and more people are registering themselves for DNC facility. Consequently, problems for telemarketing companies are also increasing. To ensure high sales results, it is imperative to promote products and services to both DNC registered and non-registered prospects. Today, we…

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