Steps Write a Research Article Summary?

Steps Write a Research Article Summary?


Before beginning to write a summary of a research paper, it is essential first to read the complete research study. This will guarantee that you have a comprehensive comprehension of the article’s primary topics as well as the arguments that are offered in it. After completing the reading, set aside some time to think about the most important ideas and aspects, you want to include in your summary. It would help if you made an effort to determine which information is the most significant, as well as any data or proof that might substantiate the primary arguments. 

Be sure to include an introduction paragraph in your summary draught. This paragraph should include some background information on the research paper you are summarising. This will assist readers in gaining a better understanding of the background of the study being addressed. Next, provide a concise summary of the most critical issues discussed in the essay. Consider incorporating the author’s most important results and conclusions in your summary.

What is a Research Article Summary?

A research article summary is an overview of a research paper that is condensed while maintaining its level of detail. It should include a general summary of the primary arguments made by the author as well as a concise introduction to the subject matter of the essay for the reader. Any significant results or inferences drawn by the author should also be included in the summary of a solid research study.

What is the Purpose of a Research Article Summary?

Before attempting to summarise a research study, it is essential first to read the entire piece to comprehend the primary ideas and arguments. The next step is to consider the most important concepts and points you want to include in your summary.

To prepare a study summary, follow the procedures that are indicated below.

Be Sure to Read the Parent Paper Carefully:

It is critical to first read the complete study article before attempting to write a summary of the research. Make sure you give yourself enough time to fully comprehend the article’s primary arguments and points of view. After completing the reading, set aside some time to think about the most important ideas and aspects, you want to include in your summary.

It would be best if you made an effort to determine which information is the most significant, as well as any data or proof that might substantiate the primary arguments. 

Set the Stage for the Discussion:

Be sure to include an introduction paragraph in your summary draught. This paragraph should include some background information on the research paper you are summarising. This will assist readers in gaining a better understanding of the background of the study being addressed.

Provide a Quick Outline of the Article’s Major Points. Be careful to include any significant discoveries or inferences drawn.

Identifying the most critical aspects of each section:

The main body of your research paper will probably be broken up into a few separate parts. Every part will focus on a different facet of the overarching issue that will be discussed. It is crucial to determine the most relevant aspects of each part before beginning to write your summary. This will allow you to incorporate these aspects into your overall discussion.

An introduction, a review of the relevant prior literature, a methodology, a set of findings, and a commentary are the standard parts that may be found in the research article summary. The introduction gives background information on the subject being researched and establishes the primary topics that will be explored in the body of the paper. The literature review is an examination of prior research that has been carried out on the subject, and it gives background information for the present study.

The methodology section details the procedures followed in the present investigation, as well as the kinds of data that were gathered. In the section under “Results,” the study’s findings are presented, and an interpretation of what those findings signify in connection to the research article summary being addressed is given. In the last part of the report, titled “Discussion,” the results of the study are interpreted, and the implications those findings may have for future research or applications in the real world are discussed.

Beginning the process of drafting the research summary:

You can now start writing your research summary since you have obtained all the relevant information. To get started, jot down some ideas for an introduction paragraph in which you offer some general information about the subject of the research article summary.

Include visuals:

It is essential to include visuals in your study summary to give your audience the assistance they want in comprehending the facts being provided. Charts, graphs, tables, and other types of data visualization are examples of what may be included in visuals. Be careful to include an explanation of what each graphic represents and how it contributes to the paper’s primary arguments.

No Plagiarism at All:

When producing a research summary, it is critical to avoid plagiarizing other people’s work. This indicates that you should avoid copying and pasting content directly from the study paper. Instead, use your own words to put the information into context by paraphrasing it. Include a citation in your work to ensure that proper credit is given to the work’s original author.

Consult a style guide, such as the MLA or APA format guide, if you are unclear about how to paraphrase or reference information accurately.

Maintain a Strict Adherence to the Allotted Word Count:

It is critical to keep the total number of words in mind while one is drafting a study summary. A good summary provides a concise overview of the main topics discussed in the original article. It should not contain any unnecessary material and should not get mired down in excessive detail. Keep your focus on the essential details, and back up your claims with proof drawn from the article.

Perform Multiple Passes of Proofreading on Your Research Summary:

Before you hand in your study summary, you must give it many passes through a proofreading program. In addition, check to see that your summary reads smoothly and that each piece of information is presented in a way that is understandable and concise.

In conclusion

To write a research article summary, you must first read the complete research paper and then spend some time thinking about the most critical aspects of that reading. When you are writing your summary, include:

  • An introduction paragraph.
  • A concise outline of the primary topics discussed in the article.
  • A discussion of any significant results or conclusions that the author came to.

Your summary should finish with a line or two that summarises all covered and gives the reader a sense of completion.

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