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Is Vandalism Covered Under the Car Insurance Policy?

Is Vandalism Covered Under the Car Insurance Policy?

A car is a valuable as well as cherishing asset. Even if you do not use it regularly, maintaining the car in top-notch condition is a must. While driving it on Indian roads, you have to follow the traffic safety rules to avoid any unfortunate mishaps or minor scratches. But let’s imagine, one day you walked up to your car and one of its windows shattered and the tyres flattened. Just as frustrating as it may sound, it is going to be an added monthly expense.

This was just an example. Things could get a lot worse in case of accidents, theft, or vandalism. Incidences like riots, stone pelting, etc., can cause major damage to your car. In scenarios like accidents or theft, your ideal response is to contact your car insurance provider and raise a claim request.

However, most of us are certain that accidental damages to our vehicle are covered under a comprehensive car insurance plan. But what about vandalism? Does comprehensive car insurance cover damages due to vandalism? To know that, you will have to venture into what vandalism means and how it is connected to car insurance online.

Let us first understand what vandalism is.

Vandalism is an act of causing damage to private or public properties. If somebody has damaged your car on purpose or as a response to a riot, it is considered vandalism. When any property (be it your car or house) is vandalised, it either reduces or loses its market value.

Deliberate damage to your vehicle by someone is not only worse but also heartbreaking. A few of these damages that can cause a major devaluation of your car include damage to windows, car exterior, locking mechanism, engine, or transmission system. Other acts that can come under vandalism are stealing items from inside the vehicle, defacing the car, etc.

Vandalism and Car Insurance

Nowadays, cases of deliberate destruction of vehicles are on the rise.  The chances of your vehicle facing such an unfortunate event are equally high. It can be a long keystroke, tampered brakes, broken windows, etc.

When it comes to comprehensive car insurance, the policy is known to cover accidental damages incurred by your vehicle. This means you do not have to pay anything from your pocket. However, that is not often the case with vandalism. When it comes to vandalism, there are a lot of doubts that come to your mind.

Fixing damages incurred by your vehicle due to vandalism can be expensive. The best solution for you, in this case, is to be mindful when buying a car insurance policy in India. Usually, most comprehensive car insurance plans cover damages due to vandalism. But it is always better to get the same validated from your insurer when buying the policy. In case you are wondering how much comprehensive car insurance might cost, use a car insurance calculator to determine the same.

Generally, Indian car insurance providers offer cover for all kinds of damages. But in specific cases like vandalism, there could be involvement of law enforcement officials. Authorised personnel may be appointed to investigate the matter before the claim request is approved.

Therefore, it is advisable to read the policy documents thoroughly at the time of purchase. Failing to do so can lead to car insurance claim rejections in the future.


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