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Importance of a Surgery

Importance of a Surgery

Most of us think that the major part of any surgery is a surgeon’s responsibility but that’s not totally true. Although doctors play a vital role but your part is important too. After you have found the right surgeon for your surgery and has scheduled the surgery, your role begins then. As a patient, you need to start taking in account everything starting right from your pre-operative health to your post-operative health.

The efforts that you start putting from the beginning of a surgery will definitely have a profound effect on your recovery after the surgery. Be it any type of surgery you are undergoing, it is important to take care of certain things. Even a plastic surgeon in Navi Mumbai suggests some of the important healthy tips that you can follow to prepare yourself well for a surgery:

Even best surgeon in Bangalore always suggests that this is just the perfect investment of time that everybody has to make

A healthy lifestyle

The healthier you try to get before a surgery. The stronger it makes you after a surgery during your recovery. You need to focus mainly on three things- exercise, proper nutrition and quitting smoking or consumption of alcohol.

  • Good nutrition: A proper nutrition in some cases of surgery is not only important but it may also become a necessity. A surgeon or your doctor may sometime recommend you to lose weight and also prescribe you a special diet plan that you need to follow strictly before and after your surgery in order to recover well. Usually no other special suggestions are made by the doctors. A diet plan that is rich in proper amounts of nutrients like protein, vitamins i.e., all those nutrients that will play a vital role in healing. Restricting calories before a surgery or doing anything drastic without the recommendation of your doctor should strictly avoided. You should mainly focus on eating a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Exercise: This is recommended by most doctors to keep yourself healthy not only for your surgery but also to keep your over-all health in check. Regular exercise improves your cardiovascular activities and also helps in muscle recovery that you require after your surgery is done. If you are one of them who is involved in regular exercises then continue doing it as usual. Make sure to add more of cardio exercises if you have been ignoring them in the past. If you have just started your workout routine, don’t stress on it too much. Rather consult with your doctor regarding a proper fitness program or particular exercises that you require the most.
  • Quitting bad habits like smoking and alcohol: This is a very important thing that you should strictly consider before going for a surgery. Quitting smoking and alcohol will not only help you become healthy in the long run but any post-operative result will be improved too. If you are a smoker, then there is a high chance that you may require an extended ventilator care during any surgery that you undergo. They can also suffer from vascular constrictions. Non-smokers in this place may not suffer from these problems much making their recovery time shorter.


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