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How to Cope When Your Child is in Boarding School

Nowadays, boarding schools have become quite a popular choice among parents. It has been proven beneficial for children by making them independent and disciplined. But it can be a difficult transition for both since they face separation from each other which can become difficult to cope with.

Children cope by getting involved in the planned day to day activities and making new friends, but as a parent, it’s not easy to adjust with this idea of separation.  

Here are some coping strategies which can help you deal with this transition.

Keep yourself busy

It’s better to keep yourself busy with work and activities; this can help you with your child’s absence.

Now that you have extra time on your hands, keep yourself occupied. Indulge in some hobbies or take up some volunteer work. You can now fulfil all the activities that you have been putting off due to lack of time.

Regular visit

Ensure that you visit your child whenever the boarding school schedules for parents’ visits or on weekends. In this way, you can keep track of their growth and development. Your children will also appreciate and like these kinds of meetings as it will help in outgrowing the feeling of being away from parent’s security. This kind of visit is healthy for both parents and children because it helps in coping with separation together easily.

Active Communication

When sending your child to a boarding school, make a communication schedule with them. Just because they are away doesn’t mean that you can’t contact them daily. Being connected to them will help in getting involved with them. You will also get to know about any problems or insecurities they might be facing. You can go for weekly video calls, emails and once a month letters.

Be in touch with school authorities

Remain in touch with school authorities. You can connect with the school through their website, Facebook page or Youtube. This will help you be aware of any activities or events your child is part of, which is a good way to keep connected with your child’s life. This will also relieve you from the insecurity of missing out on their life activities and events.

For their personal well-being, you can also keep in touch with a school counsellor or warden. They will give you better feedback about their day to day activities and how they are coping otherwise.

Be a part of the parent’s organization’

Every school has a parent’s organization formed for parent’s help and for engaging them to be part of children’s betterment. They not only help each other in supporting other parents but also plan activities or events that can help children.

Make sure to join this parent’s organization as this will also help in making new friends. With many other parents coping with the same situation, you will be able to deal with them easily.

Do not feel guilty

Always remember that you are sending your child for a good future and a disciplined life which will be beneficial for them later. Do not feel guilty. This will only worsen the anxiety that comes up when coping with separation. Focus your thoughts on positive outcomes. A boarding school helps children in not only receiving a good education, but they also learn to be independent and mature.

Believe in your child

Believe and have good faith in your child that they are safe and in good hands. With many authorities around them, you don’t have to worry about how they will handle their things or their health. When choosing a school, be aware of the facilities they provide. In this way, you know what kind of resources they are surrounded by.

Talk and encourage your child to adjust and adapt well with other students and with a new environment. Encourage them to be calm and relaxed and openly share any problem they might feel with parents or authorities, they are there to help them.

Believing in your child will encourage them and even make your child more confident about handling their new surrounding with ease.

Use these strategies for coping with separation anxiety and making your child more confident and open to communicating their activities and thoughts with you. Be positive about this new transition in yours and your child’s life.


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