When one borrows a housing loan, it does not necessarily put an end to all financial commitments. There is often a need to bear additional expenses like home improvement, renovation costs or other expenditures like medical emergencies. While repaying a housing loan, one might face financial crunch in meeting these additional expenses. Here, a top-up loan can be that one-stop solution to cater to your immediate financial needs. What Are Top-Up Loans? It is an additional loan of up to Rs. 50 Lakh which you can avail on your existing…
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4 Reasons to Apply for a Loan Against Property for Debt Consolidation
Meeting the rising expenses, or going for high-end expenditures often requires external financial assistance. These are best solved by unsecured advances provided by various financial institutions. The amount so acquired from multiple loans meets the monetary requirements of individuals. However, the major issue with such loans is the high interest rates charged upon each credit individually. This results is multiple higher EMIs, and hence, the borrower ends up in a financial mess. A preferred solution to these scattered expenses is via debt consolidation loan. While the repayment of multiple loans…
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