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Adapt To My New Job

How to Adapt To My New Job

Have you changed your company? Are you about to start with the first job? Whatever your work situation, adapting to a new job is always a task that causes some respect. Whether you come from different companies or have just finished your training, it is essential that you follow some basic and common sense recommendations to know how to adapt to your new job. Good luck!

Steps to follow:

1   First of all, it is important to emphasize that it is normal that the first day of a new job generates nerves and restlessness, and that novelty always awakens this sensation but that we should not turn into something negative. So, it is about controlling our nerves at all times and showing a receptive attitude to impregnate ourselves with the philosophy and values ​​of the new company or organization.

2   Likewise, it will be essential that on the first day you make sure you make a good impression on those who will be your new co-workers and supervisors. On the one hand, before starting in the new job, you should check if there is a dress code in order to adapt to it. In case you have not established any written rule, try to dress with appropriate clothes, for example: it will not be appropriate to wear flip-flops and shorts for more than summer and heat, except that you work in a beach bar.

On the other hand, the impression we cause is not only an aesthetic issue, but also you must show empathy and show that you want to learn and grow in your new job. Although it may sound obvious, never forget education and manners: say good morning to arrive in the morning, ask for things ‘please’, thank or knock on the door before entering are obvious but sometimes forget

3   Remember also that every process of adaptation involves some time and will require your patience and that of your new colleagues. So, start by looking at how everything works and what role each staff plays. At the same time, it will be important that you inform yourself about all kinds of aspects that will take part in your work:

  • Hours: entry and exit, breaks, meals, etc.
  • About the workplace: where are the bathrooms, the printer, if there are common areas such as kitchen …
  • Logistics: for example, who to consult in case of technical problems.

4   On many occasions, starting a new job also means leaving behind old routines, habits and ways of working; you should not stay anchored in what you did, but you will have to find a way to adapt to what is in force in the new company. And how do  make Business money For example, if you think it is necessary, you can request or search for a training or recycling course on your own to get used to new computer programs or other tools that you have not used so far.

5   Obviously, in order to adapt to your new job, it will be essential to have relationships with those who are now your work colleagues, people with whom you will spend an important part of the day. Introduce yourself to those you do not know yet and volunteer to collaborate in whatever is necessary; coffee time or during meals will be the ideal time to deepen and engage in conversation with the rest of the company’s staff. It’s not that the first day you go to work you treat everyone as if you knew them all their lives; not extremes the trusts, but the goal will be to socialize and get to know your teammates little by little.

6   In addition to asking all that you do not know, ask also that others correct you or explain the best formulas to do the tasks in order to improve day by day and adapt more quickly. If you have a direct coordinator or supervisor, and how to fire an employee respectively you can request a periodic meeting to evaluate your progress and look for points of improvement. Feedback is a very useful tool and at all times you should bear in mind that it is not negative criticism against your person, but a great way to improve day by day.

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Article Source: Tape Daily



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