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How to Help Your Elderly Relative Understand Nursing Home Living

How to Help Your Elderly Relative Understand Nursing Home Living

It’ll never be an easy time to look at a situation an elderly loved one is in and realize now might finally be the right moment for them to have some kind of assisted living, at least for the time being. As hard as that is for you, it’ll be much harder for them to adjust to a completely new way of living. The best thing you can do for your loved one is to be at their side as they transition into a nursing home.

Be it permanently or as the safe choice for senior rehabilitation until they are ready to be on their own once more. As their loved one you have the means to make them feel comfortable and safe. To make this easier for everyone involved, have a clearly laid out plan of what their new life will be like so there’s one less thing they need to worry about. 

They Aren’t Alone

Make this as clear as possible and repeat it often. The message of your elderly loved one not being alone is going to mean multiple things. Firstly, there’s always going to be someone around if they are worried about falling or any other similar situation. Staff will always be in the building in case of an event like that and they are also going to be there to make sure all pills and medication are taken as often as they are needed. 

The other way in which they are not alone is to let them know you are never far away. This isn’t a situation where they can’t see their family. Depending on the level of care they need, it might be hard for them to need to leave daily, but you’ll still be able to have your loved one over and also take them out.

Be There To Listen

As much as you’ll want to visit and still take them out to make special memories, those aren’t always going to be possible. What is going to be easier on you, and very possible more days than it won’t be, is to be there emotionally. All it takes in a phone call a couple of nights a week. This could be one of the most drastic changes your loved one has ever gone through and it will be extremely emotional for them. 

Call and listen to everything that they’d like to tell you. Make your regular calls an open and confidential environment where they know that anything can be said without judgment. When it comes time, tell them about everything still going on in your daily life too. Everyone wants to feel connected. 

Make Them Feel At Home

While their new residence won’t be quite the blank canvas a brand new home would be, there’s still plenty of ways to make things quickly feel familiar. Take the blankets they’ve always loved, the pictures that have always been around, and things like their favorite books and find a home for them in their new space. 

Show them that just because they are in a nursing home doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to be themselves. It’s assisted care, not a removal of their complete identity and familiarity. Make sure they know that no matter where they are, they are just as much themselves as they’ve always been. No one is looking to take that away.


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