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Facebook Ad Tools
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How To Drive Traffic From Facebook Ad Tools That Buys From Your Website

Like it or not, social media has become the pinnace of online communication. People are practically living on Social media and Facebook tops that. Especially after it created a separate chat app – Facebook Messenger and its acquisition of Instagram, Facebook has been redefining the way everything is done. It has 2 billion active users every month plus the 1.2 billion on messenger and 700 million on Instagram. This humungous number of people hanging out in one place has made it all the more easier to find your target market. Plus it comes with the advantage that advertising on Facebook doesn’t seem like compulsive selling but more of a lifestyle suggestion that came from a friend or family or acquaintance making it more credible to sell. Getting down to business, how do you drive traffic from Facebook to your website?

Bonus part: get unlimited free Instagram followers with Followers Gallery.

Create an ad that grabs attention

Before you create the perfect ad that makes people click, you will need to experiment with what kind of images, texts and content are making people stop and engage. Thankfully with Facebook as tools you can get all that data describing the likes and dislikes of your target customers. Create a vibrant high resolution image that will compel people into impulse buying or address their rational side. Create buyer personas and add social proofs to your Facebook ad. But do remember to include the price of the product in your ad image so that you get qualified leads, else all you get is abandoned carts which happens 79% of the time.

Lesser is Better

There used to be a time when businesses used to post more in the desperate attempt to reach more people so that at least a few will convert. The truth – each post got less organic reach which started declining with every new post. Basically audiences were feeling spammed. This does not mean you should stop posting any content at all. Keep it slow and steady. Post at a suitable frequency – reserve these posts for specific times during the day or week when your target audience is most active on Facebook. Again you can get analytics about these timings using Facebook ads tool. Make sure you only post the best content and keep up with the trends and be consistent with your posts.

Targeting the right customers

Targeting the right customers is very important when you want to make a sale. Obviously there is no use showing an ad about bikes to an eighty year old woman. Thankfully Facebook helps you reach a customised audience. With Facebook ad tools you will have data as to what are the interests, age group, location etc. of the customers who could be your prospective buyers. While publishing your ad, you can choose the location where your ad needs to appear, the age group that you want to see your ad, their gender, languages they speak, their interests and behaviour. Interest targeting is a great way to increase brand exposure. One good Facebook ad tool you can use here is the Facebook Tracking Pixel. Install it on your website to track and measure what traffic your website is receiving – that’s half the work done. You can now target the traffic whenever you create a new campaign. It is a great technique for remarketing by showing your previous customers relevant ads on Facebook.

Put the ad in the right place

The ads that get the most engagement are the ones that appear in the newsfeed of the desktop site or the mobile app. ads in the newsfeed have larger images and help showcase your brand better. These are great for generating sales and leads. They might be a little more expensive than the ads that appear on the right column but are certainly more effective.

Track your KPIs

One you have your advert up and running, it is important that you keep an eye on a few metrics that you can get from your dashboard. You need to know the frequency at which you get clicks, the cost per click, click through rates and link clicks. When you monitor these metrics, you can always make changes if something is not going the way you wanted to. If these metrics are in order, you can make sure your website is getting good traffic from your Facebook ad.

No matter what your business model is, Facebook is always a great option to add to your marketing funnel, in fact a holy grail for generating traffic. It creates a dependable way to drive traffic to your website for sales. It can seem complex because that’s how your audiences are but if you use best practices for your ad images, deploy A/B testing, you are well on your way to make some sales.


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