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CBD Gummies Be Of Any Help To A Child

Can CBD Gummies Be Of Any Help To A Child With Autism?

In recent years, Cannabidiol, an active ingredient derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, has become one of the most important subjects of research. Over the past few decades, several studies confirmed that CBD is very influential in regulating human health. Experts discovered that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-microbial properties and is also rich in antioxidants.

Further research demonstrated that consuming CBD supplements helped relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and manage treatment-resistant epileptic disorders. Recently, scientists deduced from data collected from a few animals and human model studies that CBD might positively impact children with Autism. This article will explore the credibility of the theory by looking through the available evidence and reviews.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: What do you need to know

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is an umbrella term used to denote a group of neurological and developmental disorders. The specific cause of Autism remains unknown, but experts believe that it can be associated with an individual’s genetic makeup. Experts also implied from some studies that the prenatal (in the womb) and postnatal (after birth) environment of the child might also play a role in ASD.

ASD affects the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of a person on the spectrum. It is typically characterized by:

  • Difficulty in interacting with others
  • Social anxiety
  • Aggressive behavior and hyperactivity
  • Trouble in verbal and non-verbal communications
  • Restricted Interest
  • Repetitive behavior and constant pacing
  • Fixation on particular objects or activities.
  • Sensitivity to touch, powerful light, and loud sound.
  • Short attention span and Difficulty in learning
  • Sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea

Though Autism Spectrum Disorder has been a subject of research for over a century, scientists cannot find a cure for it. Experts suggest that intervention at an early stage can help improve the overall development of a child on the spectrum.

Recently, a few animal studies brought to light that Autism can happen due to endocannabinoid dysfunction. Another small-scale human study mentioned that cannabinoids help in reducing autism-induced behavioral and communication problems.

Though these studies are still in their preliminary stage, they brought a lot of hope to parents raising children with ASD. They discovered that CBD supplements reduced aggression and anxiety and helped their children to have a good night’s sleep. As children disliked the bitter taste of CBD oil, many parents preferred to buy CBD gummies from and anxiety issues of ASD.

Role of Endocannabinoid System in Autism Spectrum Disorder:

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a complex network of neurological receptors and transmitters present in all mammalian bodies. It is associated with the body’s central and peripheral nervous systems. The ECS plays a vital role in regulating several bodily functions and maintaining the mammalian body’s homeostasis.

Recently, researchers discovered that endocannabinoid dysfunction is associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Several studies done on animal models with ASD demonstrated alteration of the ECS in them.

According to a 2013 study, increased expression of Endocannabinoid receptors was observed in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of children with Autism. The result suggested an imbalance in the endocannabinoid system. With further studies, experts noticed that manipulating the ECS using CBD supplements can help improve the behavioral and cognitive deficits of Autism.

CBD Gummies Be Of Any Help To A Child

How Can CBD Gummies Help Children With Autism?

CBD-infused gummies have multiple therapeutic effects. A combination of a few among them is also beneficial for children on the spectrum. The anxiolytic property of CBD helps to relieve social anxiety and also calms down the aggressive behavior observable in children with ASD. CBD also helps induce sleep and improve sleep quality. Thereby, it helps children with Autism to get relief from chronic insomnia and sleep apnea.

CBD also lowers stress and makes it easier for them to learn and use communication skills. Seizures are also common in autistic children. Consuming CBD-infused gummies also helps in reducing the incidence of attacks. The results obtained from several studies and research reviews support these claims.

For instance, a review published in the journal of Frontiers in Neurology reported a small-scale observational study of 18 participants. CBD-enriched Cannabis Sativa extract was given to all the participants. After 6-9 months, researchers could appreciate a significant level of improvement in 14 participants regarding symptoms like attention deficit, hyperactivity, motor, cognitive deficits, communication deficits, behavioral disorders, and sleep disorders. However, only 15 participants adhered to the study, as the other three discontinued due to various adverse effects.

A 2018 study of 60 children concluded that CBD oil helped reduce autism-induced behavior, communication issues, and anxiety problems associated with ASD. Another 2021 review stated that cannabinoid therapy enhanced interpersonal communication and decreased hostile behaviors in children with ASD.

Side Effects and Other Safety Concerns:

CBD Gummies are generally safe to consume and have demonstrated a promising impact on children with ASD. However, a few CBD users have also reported cases of adverse reactions due to CBD. Some common side effects observed are:

  • Liver Dysfunction
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Reduced Appetite
  • Tooth Decay

CBD can also cause a hypersensitive reaction in some individuals. Thus, before giving CBD gummies to your child, make sure he is not allergic to its constituents. We also recommend you consult with your child’s pediatrician and therapist regarding your decision to administer CBD gummies to your child.

Excessive consumption of CBD gummies can also lead to CBD toxicity which can worsen the condition of ASD. It is characterized by:

  • Acute psychosis
  • Agitation
  • Seizures
  • Sedation

CBD may also react undesirably with certain anxiolytic drugs. If your child is already under such medication, you should be careful about possible adverse reactions.

Also, CBD products are yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Association (FDA). Before you pick a brand of CBD gummies for your child, ensure the brand is reliable and makes products with good quality raw materials.

Final Thoughts:

Dealing with children with ASD is not a cakewalk. The recent discovery of the impact of CBD on Autism came as a blessing for parents raising children on the spectrum. Apart from helping reduce aggressive behavior and anxiety, it also enables them to sleep peacefully at night. However, most reports available to us are from studies conducted on children with Autism. We still do not have enough data to confirm whether the positive influence of CBD extends to adults with ASD as well.


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