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Bone Fracture

Bone Fracture – Repair, Preparations, Risks and Procedure

What is Bone Fracture Repair?

When you experience a bone break or fracture, it is important that the bone can heal properly in its original place.

There are many treatments for a broken bone, and the one a doctor recommends is based upon many factors. These include how severe the break is and where it is.

While some bones can heal by wearing a cast, others may need more invasive treatments, such as bone fracture repair.

Bone fracture repair is a surgery to fix a broken bone using metal screws, pins, rods, or bone plates to hold the bone in place. It is also called as open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) surgery.

Why is bone fracture repair done?

Bone fracture repair is used when a broken bone does not or would not heal properly with casting or splinting bone.

Improper healing that requires ORIF surgery can occur in cases when the bone is sticking through the skin (compound fractures) and fractures that involve joints, such as ankles and wrists. The surgery will require some orthopedic implants, provided by the orthopedic products manufacturers in India.

If bones that are surrounding the joints cannot be repaired, functional mobility of a person could be severely impacted.

How to prepare for bone fracture repair

Tell your doctor about your medical history, including your prior surgeries or chronic conditions. Also tell your doctor about any medications you are taking or are allergic to, including over-the-counter supplements and medicines.

Your doctor will also ask for imaging tests to view exactly where the bone has broken. Examples could include CT scans, X-rays, and MRI scans.

The day before your procedure, your doctor will likely recommend that you do not eat anything after midnight. You should have someone drive you to the surgery center or hospital and take you home after your procedure.

The risks of bone fracture repair

Complications from this surgery are very infrequent. These complications may include:

  • an allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • blood clots
  • bleeding
  • infection

You can minimize your risk for complications by disclosing all medications and medical conditions you are taking as well as following your doctor’s post-procedure orders carefully. This can include instructions on keeping your dressing dry and clean.

How bone fracture repair is performed

Bone fracture repair surgery can take some hours. You may be given general anesthesia to put you to sleep during your surgery or local anesthesia to numb only the broken limb. The surgical procedure is done using orthopedic instruments which are provided by orthopedic equipment manufacturers.

The surgeon may make an incision over the site of fracture if a plate and screws are to be utilized. He may make an incision at the end of a long bone and place a rod down the inner part of the bone to stabilize and repair a fracture.

The fractured bone is then set into position. Your surgeon may use metal bone screws, pins, rods, or bone plates to secure the bone in place. These can be either permanent or temporary.

Your doctor might recommend a bone graft if your shattered into fragments during your original injury. This procedure uses bone from a different body part or from a donor to replace the portions of bone that were lost.

Blood vessels that were damaged during your injury will be repaired during surgical procedure.

When the broken bone has been set properly, your surgeon closes the incision wound staples or stitches and wraps it in a clean dressing. Your injured limb will most likely be put in a cast after the procedure is done.


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